Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Gurage Culture (Pre Wedding Day)


 My fathers side of the family is a part of the Gurage tribe. In any Ethiopian tribe, a wedding is a big deal. However, every tribe has their own unique cultures and traditions they follow to celebrate. Leading up to the big day, the grooms family will have everyone invited in the wedding (except the bride) come for a big lunch at their home. After eating, the groom will come out with his close friends and family and dance. If the family is rich enough they will hire a professional camera crew to record and take pictures. They will party till night.











Thursday, October 10, 2013

You Have Arrived

As I arrived to the once so familiar atmosphere of Addis Ababa, I was welcomed by the overwhelming crowd of people waiting in line to get their visa. After waiting for a few hours we finally were able to retrieve our luggage, go through security and enter the highlands of Ethiopia. Quickly I realized the drastic difference between the states and Ethiopia from the roads to the construction of the buildings. However, as different as the atmosphere was, it was welcoming. In fact, instead of feeling like I was visiting, I felt more like was returning home. Though I expected more from my country, I was still impressed by the growth of the country as a whole in developing roads, hotels, malls, cafe's, etc. Poverty remained to be no secret still and I was soon able to educate myself on the standards of living  for most people. The streets were crowded and children run across the streets without the care in the world for safety. Though their standards of living may be looked down on as a cry for help by most people in America, instead I looked at it more as a reawakening of what poverty truly is. It is so much more different and life changing to witness poverty everyday first hand than seeing it on the commercials. I was under the allusion that commercials over advertised the poverty of Ethiopia to pity the nation; however, after staying long enough I sadly admitted that poverty here truly is as bad as they say it is. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Selam (Welcome)

I would like to welcome you all to my blog "Stand For the Broken" . Over my one month journey to my true home -Ethiopia- I had the experience of a life time. As I share with you my stories and experience over the trip I hope you will take the time not only to read and enjoy it but to take a stand as well and help the under privileged. I not only met some of the most talented people in the world but I discovered my purpose in life. Due to this life changing experience I can honestly say that I learned what was most important to me. This blog will not only serve as a reminder to me of what I experienced, but as a reminder that Ethiopia  is not just another country but it is my home.